With Two Wings

Welcome to our digital dramaturgy website for With Two Wings! My name is Samm Madsen, and I am the dramaturg for this BYU production. There are so many exciting things to share about this show that I couldn’t fit them all into the program study guide. I hope you have a great time exploring this additional content, and that at least part of it can help you in your adventures in the future.
- Interview with Anne Negri, playwright
- Smidgeon writing contest details
- Script- More Accurate Formatting
- The Myth of Icarus, by Ovid
- WTWPaperAirplanePrintable
- Bonus online game with Meta
- Full music contest rules
- With Two Wings full soundtrack
- With Two Wings original score sheet music
- Interview with Talleri McRae
- Tips for leaders (young and old) to make group activities more accessible
- My Story: Growing up with a Disabled Mom, by Samm Madsen
- With Two Wings Sensory Friendly Guide
- Music Contest Winners!
- With Two Girls: Soaring Unsoured (a critical response)
- Bonus Playlist! Additional Music Contest Winners