Full Contest Details
Welcome to the Smidgeon Writing Contest! I know that some of the world’s best playwrights are still to be discovered, so I’m glad you are here. Below are the full contest rules and some examples to help you out. Good luck, and happy writing!
- Have your parents/guardian submit your script to by Monday, October 28th, 2019. *If your script is selected, we will need to communicate with you via the email you send your script from, so make sure your parents use an email they check.*
- This story must be a SCRIPT. (We have two examples for you below!)
- The script can only have two characters and stage directions, just like the script below.
- The script should be 1-2 pages
- The script should be based on the idea: SMIDGEON TO THE RESCUE!
- Let your imagination run free. There is no perfect way to write your script; whatever fun or crazy thing comes to your mind is the best possible thing for you to write about.
We will notify winners by email and post the video of BYU actors performing the scripts right here on 4thWallDramaturgy. You can share the link to the page with your video with as many friends and family members as you want! If you’d like an example of how the end product will kind of look (minus the full band and studio lights), you can check out this link to Jimmy Fallon’s Kid Theatre with Tom Hanks: