Dramaturgs Darci Ramirez and Andrew Elijah Schindler invited scholars from the BYU Region Department to join us in discussions about the Jesus Christ of Godspell. Multiple similar forums will be held in connection with this production.
Dr. Jason Combs, Dr. Mark Ellison, Dr. Joseph Spencer, and Dr. Matthew Grey join the panel to discuss various interpretations of Jesus Christ in the New Testament and portrayals of Christ in art throughout the centuries.
We have three additional forums coming up, and invite anyone to join us in the Mainstage Theatre on West Campus!
- Saturday, March 18, 4:30 pm (immediately following the matinee performance.)
- Saturday, March 25, 4:30 pm (immediately following the matinee performance.)
- Thursday, March 30, 9:30 pm (immediately following the evening performance.)