According to the national poetry-reading contest, Poetry Out Loud, every line and word in a poem has meaning. This was confirmed during a visit from Kate Coombs to the actors of Water Sings Blue.If we can understand the tones and connotations of words, possible symbols, and moments of irony and humor, we will find meaning and new life in poetry.
Then, we can share that meaning and life with others. When reciting poems, clear diction is needed. Recitations should not be sing-song, but should express what meaning the reciter has found. Vocal inflections, breath, and tempo all are tools reciters can use, and were tools Water Sings Blue director Teresa Dayley Love focused on, when working with her cast.
For this production we are trying something new! You'll still see some dramaturgical information in your printed program, including the dramaturg's note, "The Weight of Waiting in The Cherry Orchard."
Alabama Story, playwright Kenneth Jones’ six-actor, one-set drama about censorship, book banning, Civil Rights and American characters in “the Deep South of the imagination,” had its world premiere by Pioneer Theatre Company in Salt Lake City, Utah in January of 2015.
One of the wonderful things about being a dramaturg is discovering interesting bits of information here and there about the play and the playwright. These are often things that never make themselves visible in the production, but offer fascinating insights nonetheless. Here are ten of those interesting facts we've learned about Chekhov and The Cherry Orchard.