Welcome back to our tribute to the amazing actors of Argonautika. If you haven't had a chance to see our previous blog post, "Meet the Cast of Argonautika (Part 1 of 2)" it featured the following eight actors:

- Christine Detweiler
- Tommy Kindall
- Olivia Ockey
- Jordan Peterson
- Samm Madsen
- Ezra Chia
- Molly Howard
- Ian Buckley
This blog post features the remaining eight actors in the show. This post is also unique because it features the cast members (1/4 of the cast, in fact) from Utah Valley University (UVU)! This is a joint-university production, mainly because our director Janine Sobeck Knighton is a professor at UVU and worked for BYU as well. We hope you enjoy reading about their backgrounds, favorite things about being the show, future theatre goals (perhaps you will see them somewhere in the future), and getting a behind-the-scenes sneak peek into their work in rehearsals.
Don't forget to buy your tickets! Our show runs from June 2-17 in the Pardoe Theatre (HFAC) on campus. See you there!

Meet Dylan Wright
Character: Jason
From: Sacramento, California
College: fourth semester at BYU, pre-Acting major
Favorite thing about acting in this play: I enjoy being able to collaborate with other actors and to learn from them as they refine their craft. I am humbled to be a witness to such incredible talent, and lastly, I appreciate being able to pick apart the mind of Jason.
Theatre goals: I would love to major in acting one day, and perhaps take a swing at directing and writing my own pieces.

Meet Hannah Staley
Characters: Hera, Alcimede, and Phineus
From: Sebring, Florida
College: Freshman at BYU, on the pre-Acting track (BFA)
Favorite thing about acting in this play: My favorite part about acting in Argonautika is the “dress-up” aspect of it; I love children’s theatre, so I love that my main character Hera (as well as the whole show itself) allows me to embrace the side of me that is still fueled by imagination and dreaming.
Theatre goals: I want what I think every actor wants; to be able to do what I love. I want to develop my skills here at Brigham Young. I want to unlock doors that allow me to improve my craft for the rest of my life.

Meet BJ Warner
Characters: Castor, Pelias, and Eros
From: Alpine, Utah
College: Senior at UVU, majoring in Theater with an emphasis in directing and scriptwriting
Favorite thing about acting in this play: I love the dynamicity of the characters in this show both played by me and by others. It’s really incredible to watch and has stretched me in so many different ways. Diving into an angry old man, a clueless bro, and a frivolous child at heart all in the same performance really requires a lot of focus and fun.
Theatre goals: I have many goals and aspirations; I want to write a musical, a play, film some screenplays that I’ve already written, enter some competitions with my writing, find myself in hollywood, adapt some of my favorite movies for the stage and make the best, most coherent musical movie anyone’s ever seen! I also intend to use these skills to write and direct video games which seems out of place but, it’s all in the works!

Meet Courtney Dilmore
Character: Atalanta
From: Bloomfield, New Mexico
College: Senior at UVU (will be graduating in December 2017) in Theatre Arts, emphasizing in performance
Favorite thing about acting in this play: Being in this show brings up a lot of unique challenges that I have been able to really have fun with. Working with a group of new people is a fabulous opportunity. I am learning so much about myself as an actor while playing in this world alongside this amazing team.
Theatre goals: After a BA, I would like to work in theatre/film whether it be acting, designing, or stage managing. I just want to be a part of creating untold stories and make others feel what I feel about a piece of art. Eventually, I would like to get my MFA in England.

Meet Kiersten Zundel
Character: Athena
From: Kalispell, Montana
College: Sophomore at UVU, majoring in Theatre (BFA), emphasizing in acting
Favorite thing about acting in this play: The exposition is so exciting!
Theatre goals: I would love to get my MFA someday in the future.

Meet Devin Davis
Characters: Meleager and Boreas
From: Orem, Utah
College: recently graduated from BYU with a BA in Theatre Arts Studies, emphasizing in directing
Favorite thing about acting in this play: I love mythology and I love theatre. It is so exciting to try to find ways to portray these mythical fantastic elements on stage. I also love the amount of characters and how they are portrayed. Myths really tell us about ourselves and so does theatre so this show becomes such a fascinating exploration of humanity in general.
Theatre goals: I’m looking into grad school, studying arts administration or performance studies. I want to eventually produce and direct immersive theatre based in found spaces, especially outdoors.

Meet Costner Henson
Characters: Idmon and Aeson
From: Thousand Oaks, California
College: Senior at BYU, majoring in Theatre Art Studies, emphasizing in directing
Favorite thing about acting in this play: I love exploring and creating both my characters and the complete story of the show. I also love magic, myths and adventure, so this play is perfect for letting my inner child run a little wild sometimes. My favorite character to play is Idmon because there is so much depth to his reasons for doing what he does.
Theatre goals: I want to create work that will stir people’s hearts and both help them change and help them love theatre the way I have come to love it. I also hope that my degree in theatre will be a plus on my medical school applications.

Meet Tyler Scott "Scottie" Mitchell
Characters: Pollux, Cepheus, and Styrus
From: Chicago, Illinois
College: Junior at UVU, double majoring in Musical Theatre Performance & Computer Science
Favorite thing about acting in this play: I love how integrated the cast has to be in order for everything to “sell” if one person is not pulling their weight it can really show, and believe me, everyone is pulling their weight.
Theatre goals: I would love to go into scriptwriting and/or lighting design.

There you have it! We hope you take joy in watching our production, having gained a stronger introduction to these talented performers from both BYU and UVU, who have given up so much of their time to tell this magnificent myth to Provo audiences. They truly are one of the most talented, entertaining, and supportive casts with which I have ever had the chance to work. I know you will love them too, when you see them on that Pardoe Stage next month. Stay tuned for four more blog posts regarding our show and the ins and outs of Greek mythology.