by Nicholas Sheets, Dramaturg
In my last post I talked about the first theme for Cymbeline, which is film noir. Cymbeline is a fairy tale world. So, when you come to see the show make sure you know what night is which theme. Here’s a link to the BYU Arts page that gives a description of each night.
BYU Arts Cymbeline Production Information
What do you think of when you hear the word “fairytale?”
Damsels in distress? Castles? A quest of honor? Handsome princes? Oh yeah. All that.

Here are some neat photos taken in 2007 by American photographer Annie Leibovitz of celebrities in Disney fairy tale roles. Can you guess who some of these are?

J.R.R. Tolkien, most famous for his trilogy The Lord of the Rings, had a few interesting nuggets of information about fairy tales and their uplifting purposes. Here is a quote from his talk “On Fairytales” as well as an analysis using his words:

At Brigham Young University it’s important we share our testimony of Christ in each production. When you come to see this production don’t forget to think about the eternal truths inherent in fairy tales and in Cymbeline‘s fairy tale version.
If you’d like, comment on some of your favorite fairy tale stories or how fairy tales bring you closer to Christ.