Art in Motion is a new show that was conceptualized by three female ballet faculty in collaboration with the animation department director here at BYU. The show beautifully merges animation, music, and ballet to tell the stories of three female artists from history. Those artists are Berthe Morisot, Sofonisba Anguissola, and Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh.
The ballet faculty, Ashley Parov, Hilary Wolfley, and Shayla Bott, were responsible for the dancing. Designers Luke Gibson, Willa Wimmer, Tavin Borrowman, Brynn Squires, and Sophie Houghton crafted the motion animation and filmography. I was responsible for making sure the artists behind the art didn't get left behind either.
See the website I created to help tell their life stories here
Read about their lives in the show's digital program study guide here