What makes The Importance of Being Earnest such a long lasting play? For us working on this production, the magic lies in the words. Wilde clearly knew what he was doing and what he was saying, and he was able to pack his characters full of wit. Fashions may come and go, but wit is forever– that’s a saying, right?
In any case, this was the topic that I wrestled with when it came to my lobby display. Rodger Sorensen, the director, and I decided that focusing on the words and the wit would be most paramount for the display, so I ran with that idea.

On first glance, the display looks like an extension of the set, warmly welcoming the audience into the Victorian world of the characters. But, couple it with the last page of the study guide, and you get a fun game that plays off the triviality of the characters and the wit that Wilde employs. After you watch the play, go take a look at the two lobby displays and see if you can complete the game. It’s a fun interaction with the play and the humor that is ingrained throughout. Make sure to stop by before or after the show and play the game!