The main way Cyrano manages to give voice to his feelings and beliefs is through his letters. With them, he is able to find the courage to express his feelings to Roxanne like never before.
Letters are sincere and personal ways to express you’re love and appreciation for others. For the lobby display for Cyrano, I made a station for the audience to write letters to loved ones, as well as to place on a poster to show appreciation to the Cast and Crew. I was overjoyed with the response by the audience.

The following are quotes from some of our favorite letters received:
“It was wonderful! Thanks for a great performance!”
“Thank you for the great show. I loved it.”
“I love, adore, admire, worship, fawn over, and am smitten by this play!”
“You have moved me, as rarely has a performance moved me.”
“Thank you for having the courage to be yourself as you performed this play.”
“The message of the devotion of love and beauty beyond looks was so touching!”
“Today, I have seen (this) story told unlike ever before, and yet I am transported as I ever have been.”
“Thank you so much, you have inspired me to act to the best of my abilities”
We are grateful for the adoration and love of our audience members. Though our BYU production has come to a close, we are excited to continue sharing this story with elementary schools around Utah!